Celebrating your child’s birthday during COVID-19
Your child’s birthday is coming up and you aren’t sure what to do due to the coronavirus situation…
Do you cancel it?
Will anyone come?
How can you make it small but special?
You have to make your own decision based on your family, but here are some ideas to help!

Party styled by Tumble Tots Party Hire Perth
1. Look at alternatives
Your child’s birthday is going to happen no matter what. Why not celebrate with a smaller home based celebration? You can still decorate, have a cake and include some special touches without it being a huge celebration.
Your child will never turn 3 again..or 4 again..or 1 again. So don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate but look into how to do it in a safe way.
2. Speak to your vendors
A lot of vendors are increasing their hygiene/cleanliness practices to ensure that their props and equipment are safe to be used.
There are entertainment businesses out there who are offering packages now for small home based parties or for those just wanting something small for a family gathering as well as ensuring their entertainers use hand sanitizer and do activities which minimise close contact between the kids.
Many are offering delivery services now as well to save you getting out and about if you wish to avoid it
So definitely speak to your vendors about options to see how they can help make your child’s celebration special even if it is on a smaller scale.
If you do decide to cancel, see if you can receive a credit for a future party rather than demand a refund as it is hard on small party businesses at this time to be refunding all cancellations and I am sure they will be happy to work with you on something for the future
3. Celebrate in a safe way
If you are going ahead with a small party, then have hand sanitiser available for your guests and their kids.
You may wish to let older members of your family or grandparents know that they are free not to come if it is will cause stress/risk being around more people/kids due to them being in the high risk category
Again – as mentioned, each family has to decide for themselves the best way to celebrate! However we definitely encourage you to think of ways you can make a small celebration still memorable for your childĀ and if you have to cancel with some of your suppliers – look at how you can support their business in the future!
Our Directory and Blog is filled with vendors so that you can organise your kids party from home..all online, without running from shop to shop trying to find what you need! Browse it here: https://lifeslittlecelebrations.org/directory/
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