Introducing: Sugar Coated Candy & Dessert Buffet’s
Today I am delighted to introduce you to one of my talented blog sponsers – Sugar Coated Candy & Dessert Buffets. Maja provides an amazing styling service in Melbourne (as you can see by the images in this post). Her focus is on dessert tables however she also provides full event styling services.
In this post she shares a little bit more about her business, her motivation and managing the work/business balance!

Nautical themed 1st birthday
What have been some of your recent themes and favourite themes you have styled?
The first half of the year has consisted of lots of boys parties! I have covered owl themes, vintage circus, construction, dirt bikes, elmo and a few nautical themes. My favourite to date has to be the Construction party I styled for Bela Designs’ son Lincoln who did an amazing job with the event stationary.

Construction themed 3rd birthday
The second half of the year looks like its all girl parties for me! I recently styled the ever so popular bird theme table in gorgeous pinks and lilac colour palette. I am looking forward to styling a Teddy bear Picnic and Hungry Caterpillar for two little girls’ first birthdays this month.

Bird themed 1st Birthday
Where do you find inspiration and motivation for your business?
I have always been always been very creative, artistic and hands on, so styling events is a great opportunity to express all. My 20 month old daughter is my biggest inspiration as well as my little assistant, she has started styling her own tables at home!

Dirtbike themed 5th Birthday
How you manage to balance your business with your family commitments?
Being a parent and working from home is a challenge in itself! I definitely try to create the balance between my family and work. I tend to make the most of my time during nap times and the 2 days my daughter is in day care are my most productive days.

Vintage inspired circus theme 1st birthday
Aren’t these dessert tables amazing?
Thanks so much Maja for sharing some thoughts on your business Sugar Coated Candy & Dessert Buffets. As you can see from the images, Maja is extremely talented! You can join her facebook page to keep up to date with more of her work!