Book themes round up
One thing I always hope for my children is that they will love books and reading – especially in this age of i-phones and i-pads they are growing up in!
For this reason I have a soft spot for any book – themed party. There is something I love about theming a party based around your child’s favourite book and encouraging and celebrating their love of a wonderful story!
So I’ve gathered together some inspiration for you – various book-themed parties/dessert tables that I love.
Click onto the images to be taken directly to view more photos of these celebrations! Remember when party planning to visit the Life’s Little Celebrations children’s party directory for fantastic vendors such as cake makers, party stores, printables and more!
Enjoy the round up:

Invite and cookies from above Where is the green sheep party Invite from Ham & Pea Design & Paperie. Cookies from Dessert Menu Please
What books do your children love that would make a wonderful party theme? Are you planning a book themed party?