2019 Highlights
As we near the end of December it is a fantastic time to say thank you and also share the highlights for me in business this year!
This year we released 3 amazing magazines and my members truly blew me away with the calibre of the shoots they coordinated! There were over 20 shoots across all the magazines which our members were able to collaborate on and which was shared not only in our magazine but also across other websites and social media!
In May of this year we held our 2nd Masterclass with Mary Ronis – due to popular demand. We had a huge attendance and the event was so valuable and with attendees still asking for more!
We followed this with a truly INCREDIBLE Celebrate Conference in August – our 3rd conference and the best one yet!
We also added many new members to the Celebrate Society and released a new launch video which was exciting to share across our platforms and helped to explain more about what we were all about!
We helped our members connect across meetups in Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Sydney throughout the year – to help build networks to grow their business.
So it truly has been a year of bringing industry vendors together – which is the HEART of the Celebrate Society!!
We hosted many amazing online masterclasses for our members which they could participate in and had some amazing experts be our guests for these masterclasses!! We had guests in the industry such as Alisha (Sweet Bakes), Miranda (Sweet Sticks), Daniella (Buttercreme Lane) and also expert guests on topics such as Instagram, Website development, Financial goals, Outsourcing, Business goal setting and visuals for your business!
We helped our members who wanted more direction/resources by launching a membership site for our Celebrate Society members where they could easily access the resources, masterclasses and ideas for their business in one place and developed a “Celebrate path to success” for members who wanted direction for how to use the membership to progress through business stages!
We also hit 100K followers on instagram which was a huge milestone as I have grown my following all organically over the last few years so it was exciting to reach the 100K mark!
I undertook various professional development opportunities via the TRIBE course with Stu Mclaren for membership site owners and the Brand Builders Academy course with Suzanne Chadwick – all helping me to build and run a better business for my members. I also took on one of my long time members – Shell Parker – as our Community Manager, and she along with our state member rep’s helped to build our member community.
Seeing my members connect and collaborate…and what eventuates from these connections – is what I really am most proud of and have loved seeing throughout 2019!
It has definitely been a huge year of growth and exposure for the Celebrate Society and I cannot thank my Celebrate Society members enough for their involvement, support, and helping to build a unique and positive industry community!
What is coming up in 2020? We will be hosting another amazing Celebrate conference as well as bringing a taste of our Celebrate events to Melbourne! We will continue to release our magazines and encourage collaborations amongst our members as well as host our member networking events. There may be another BIG change coming to be announced early in the new year also! Ensure you’re following us on instagram to be notified. If you’re wanting to join the Celebrate Society doors will be opening around Feb/March 2020 for a short time.
Thank you for being a part of our year and following along and I hope you all have a beautiful and blessed Christmas time and joy-filled 2020!
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