Business Advice from Miranda Piotrovska of Sweet Sticks
I love hearing from successful business women in this industry – there is always so much to learn from each other! Today we chat to Miranda of Sweet Sticks who is one of our Life’s Little Celebration members and who successfully evolved her business and launched a popular range of Edible art paint. I love seeing the amazing creations bakers and mum’s are making using these paints.
It’s been an interesting journey that has evolved for Sweet Sticks and today Miranda shares more about this business and her advice for other business owners:
Describe your business in 1-2 sentences:
Sweet Sticks is a designer and manufacturer of cake decorating supplies – currently Edible Art Decorative Paint. Selling wholesale and retail worldwide.
When and how did Sweet Sticks come about?:
My previous life was in full time Visual Merchandise management along with a side business selling and manufacturing fashion accessories at the Melbourne markets so when I was pregnant with my first son Jacob I knew I couldn’t keep doing what I was doing as there were a ton of time spent travelling interstate for my day job and a whole lot of extra time spent in my market business. So I did what anyone else would do and turned to google to see what other interests I might be interested in giving a go when I become a mum and so…… Sweet Sticks was born.
How has your business evolved over the years?:
Initially it started with me making cake pops for family and then friends and then friends of friends by before I knew it I was making cake pops as a business.
Back then cake pops were a dessert (and still is) a dessert that a lot of people in Australia do not do as most people had a bad experience making them so then I created an online video class on how to make them.
From there I started teaching around Australia and international which was mega fun.
In the background I was stirring up a science project in making edible paint. The Edible Art Decorative Paints range was created and took off like a hit. Manufacturing the paints is my primary work now and I no longer make or teach cake pops.
What did you do before starting your business?
My mother passed away when I was 15 so the first thing I did was leave school (hard times for a 15 year old) so I went into full time work and paid my way through fashion school.
From the age of 18 I’ve always had a full time job in either marketing or visual merchandising along with always have a passion for creating my own business. In my twenty years of effort I’ve launched a underwear label, a sleepwear line followed by a fashion accessory range and currently Sweet Sticks.
What is one of your business achievements you are most proud of?:
Probably being recognised and invited to teach at a cake decorating show in Mexico. That was a life changing experience for me personally and professionally.
What do you love about running your own business?
EVERYTHING! I love working my hours around my family, I love having no creative boundaries, I love meeting new people in my field, I love learning each part of business, I love having something that’s my own. Just EVERYTHING!
How do you keep your creativity alive and the passion for your business going?
This is a long answer but to cut it short – Firstly, I love looking at other unrelated industries for inspiration and wondering how I can create a missing link in my field. I always believe that learning business skills and working on myself personally is just as important as keeping my creativity alive – they all work hand in hand when working for yourself so for me I’m constantly listening to podcasts in business, practising my mediation and yoga regularly and making sure I find outside passions other than my work (currently essential oils – stayed tuned for something there ). When all that is in sync, creativity for my business naturally comes through.
What advice could you offer to other small business owners?:
We doubt ourselves, we question our own ability, we seek assurance from others, we compare ourselves to others and sometimes we can say some really bad things to ourselves – i’m not good enough, why would someone want to buy from me, I’m not creative, I don’t know what i’m doing blah blah blah.. We’ve all been there!
My advice would be to invest as much time in yourself as you do for your business. Without a happy heart and mind it’s a constant battle.
Thanks so much Miranda for sharing your gorgeous advice and more about your business with us!
If you’re wanting to find out more about the Edible Art paints, visit the website here.

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