Don’t miss your earlybird ticket to Celebrate!
Are you wanting to connect with other business owners in your industry and make new connections with your industry peers? Are you looking for some practical business tips and tools specifically for your business within the baking or event industry? Are you needing some business inspiration relevant for your particular business?
If so then the Celebrate Conference is for YOU! It is on again for small business owners in the event or baking industry bringing you a gorgeous day away in a fabulous venue with amazing speakers and a room full of your industry peers who “get” your business!
Sound good?
Earlybird tickets are now open ONLY until the end of March so don’t miss your chance to grab one now and take advantage of the special price! Find more details here about who is speaking, the venue and testimonials from the last Celebrate!
My suggestion? Book your ticket now before you forget as the month will fly by and I wouldn’t want you to miss your chance to take advantage of the Earlybird price
Find more information here!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
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