Celebration agenda for 2013
It’s a new year and I hope you all had wonderful Christmas and New Year celebrations!
I’ve started thinking ahead to what is on our celebration agenda for 2013 and I thought I’d share what’s on our plan for the year!
Coming up first is my nephews First Birthday. My sister wants a Winnie the Pooh theme for him and I’ll be trying to help her out a bit with the decorations. I have two girls so it will be fun to help out with a boy’s theme party for once =)
I’ve started a little bit of searching online already for a nice Winnie the Pooh printable/invite set of which there doesn’t seem to be many!
I’m liking the classic and cute look of this one:
Also loving these toppers!:
Next up will be my own daughter’s first birthday! I am tossing up whether to have a big party or keep it at home. My husband has a large family (15 aunties/uncles) so it is only when we have a big affair in a hall I can actually have all his family there.
However such a large party also means a large expense. Of course I could keep it in a hall but keep it casual – serving morning or afternoon tea rather than lunch. I have been to a few 1st birthday parties with a similar casual feel but in a hall just to accommodate larger numbers.
I have been leaning towards doing a Carousel Theme…I love this theme for a girl. I could tie it in with the idea of a 1st birthday – starting the ‘ride’ of her life etc….
While searching online I came across this amazingly beautiful Carousel Party!:
Talk about gorgeousness overdose! Unfortunately I won’t be having lifesized carousel horses at my daughter’s birthday unless any of you have one in your spare room to lend me =)
Also stumbled upon these amazing cupcake toppers:
I’ve also been trying to find a nice printable or invitation set I like for this theme. It’s a bit hard when I haven’t decided on a colour scheme yet!
Do you let the colour scheme dictate your printable? Or do you choose a printable first that you like and that sets your colour scheme?
I did stumble across this pretty invitation which caught my eye:
The search will continue! =)
Then next up is our 5yr anniversary! How did you celebrate your 5 year anniversary?
I’m thinking – either a night or weekend away (depends on whether I’m still b/feeding my daughter who will be 13 months by then).
Another option is a celebration with our bridal party.
Or maybe we can do both? =)
Decisions, decisions!
Then finally for us will be my other daughter’s 3rd birthday!
No idea what theme I will have for her! I have to see where the year takes her and what her interests are as the year goes on =) She did receive some fairy toys for Christmas so perhaps that could lead us to a fairy related theme. Anyways I have 11 months to plan that party, so loads of time! =)
This year I’m also thinking of doing a candy buffet at one of the celebrations. I’ve only ever put together a dessert table so I thought it would be fun to try a candy buffet – perhaps at the anniversary celebration where there is more adults and I know the glass jars will be safe =)
How about you – what is on your party agenda for the year?
Would love to hear from you!
You have some wonderful inspiration to work with Tanya!! Just wonderful themes!!
My party agenda for this year: is to host as many as possible using wondeful stylists!!
Carla x