Party Directory page is launched!
Our new Party Directory page on the Life’s Little Celebrations blog has launched – check it out here!
This aims to be an easy point of reference for you in the midst of your party planning to help you find some great party suppliers!
Sometimes it is just too difficult to find really lovely products/services online or via facebook by just searching yourself and I know as a mum I would find it a lot easier to compare different products/services if I had a party directory resource to go to!
Since there is a fee involved in listing in the Party Directory, you won’t get lost in tens or hundreds of supplier names, but presented with a list of quality suppliers who want to help mum’s like you in your celebration!
Any business logo you click on in the Party Directory will take you directly to the website or facebook page of that business.
I hope you find this resource of assistance to you in your party planning. I do have future plans for this Party Directory to make it even easier for you to search for what you are after…but all this must wait until 2012!
If you wish to advertise in the Party Directory please contact me on for more information.
Thank you
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